Candidate Relationship Management (CRM) System

A CRM helps you build and manage candidate relationships from “hello” to hire. The technology lets you monitor every candidate touch point, automate follow-up communication and source directly from passive candidate pipelines. Best of all, a good CRM will play nice with your ATS and let you track every aspect of the candidate journey in a centralized location.

With a CRM to help you fill talent pipeline with high-potential candidates who are engaged with your recruitment brand, you won’t need to put as much effort into spreading the word about your open positions and you definitely won’t have to waste any time sorting through resumes— a CRM can search through millions of resumes in milliseconds.

Also, when you can create better relationships, manage the candidate journey and access candidate data quickly and easily, your organization is bound to be less affected by costs associated with position vacancies, and HR won’t have to spend as much of its talent acquisition budget on fees related to job boards, social media ads and bringing candidates from out of town.

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Video Interviewing Software

If you had the choice between having to work dozens (or hundreds or thousands) of phone screens into your workflow like your talent acquisition ancestors did back in caveman days or using video interviewing software to save time while reducing the risk of losing top talent to competitors who can move faster, which would you choose?

Don’t worry—your pretend-answer isn’t required. This is a no-brainer. You’d choose to use a tool so you can work faster and put more time into your schedule for doing the higher-level tasks your job requires.

Using pre-recorded video interview content to vet your candidates quickly and efficiently has several benefits, chief among them saving time. After all, if you get two minutes into a screening video and decide a candidate isn’t right for moving on to the next stage, you don’t have to politely stick around until the conversation ends (however long that’s going to take)—you stop and move on to the next video.  

Video interviews also let you bring hiring managers into the screening process. They can compare candidates without delaying the hiring timeline and make informed decisions about the people they’d like to move on to the next round.

Scheduling Software

Who likes herding cats? Nobody. Without interview scheduling software to automate one of the more tedious and time-consuming tasks in talent acquisition, though, you’re going to find yourself serving as the personal appointment concierge to all your candidates as well as every hiring manager and interview team member with whom you work.

While you need to help pair motivated candidates with busy interviewers, you don’t have to get mixed up in the scheduling game. Scheduling software eliminates the need for you and your team to act as go-betweens by providing candidates the ability to schedule their interviews directly via a self-service platform that allows them to select interview slots that work best with their schedules and those of the folks they’ll be speaking with on their interviews—no matter the number of time zones involved. And if something pops up in a candidate’s personal life that would require rescheduling? Scheduling software has that covered. Candidates can manage their rescheduling tasks without having to disrupt you and your team or anyone else. 

Evaluation Management Software

No talent acquisition tech stack is complete without evaluation management software. Bottlenecks in the hiring pipeline result from manual and inefficient processes. Evaluation management software removes hiring obstacles, improves time-to-hire and prevents candidate attrition.

As soon as a candidate’s interview ends, your evaluation management software will automatically send evaluation requests to every stakeholder. You can set feedback deadlines, too, to keep the process moving along. And to protect yourself from groupthink and interviewer bias, you can collect responses independently and review and evaluate them later.