04/05/2016  //  Recruiter Best Practices
[socialwrap][socialicon name=”linkedin”][socialicon name=”twitter”][/socialwrap]To hire the perfect candidate and manage the interview process, it’s likely you have multiple browser tabs open, several spreadsheets in use, are juggling many LinkedIn messages and have several calendars open. Then, once you find the ideal candidate you need to transfer that information into an ATS. Ditch all the unnecessary tools and systems to streamline your process to reach the right candidate, faster. Here are five ways to spring clean your recruitment tools.

1. Move away from manual recruitment processes

Move away from manual recruiting practices to save time and recruit more effectively. Use technology that does the heavy lifting for you, so you can dedicate your time to finding the best fits for your organization. Create an online personality quiz specific to your company to determine if a candidate is the right culture fit, to eliminate a step in the interviewing process. Use video interviewing, Skype or Google Hangouts to conduct face-to-face interviews without getting held-up by travel schedules. Use mobile recruiting apps to facilitate real-time communication, eliminate paper-based system and recruit anywhere, easily.

2. Evaluate your recruitment metrics to see what tool provides the most ROI

Evaluate your recruitment marketing sources to determine which product is worth the cost per hire for your company. Determine the sourcing channel that provides your company with the most qualified candidates by performing due diligence on open positions. If Twitter is your top-performing recruitment channel, perhaps it’s time to scale back your recruiting ads on other social sites. Track application abandonment rates to examine weaknesses in the application process.

3. Create processes to spend your time more effectively

Adjust how you use email, your calendar and manage meetings so you can spend time recruiting more efficiently. Create folders within your email for specific departments; create daily time blocks for each job requisition; spend fifteen to thirty minutes at the end of each day creating a recruiting plan for the next day complete with follow-ups and interview times. Look up the highest social media engagement times for your industry, and send candidate sourcing messages during those times to ensure maximum reach. Change the standard 30-minute or 60-minute meeting slot on your calendar invites to 20-minutes and 50-minutes to give yourself a time cushion if your meeting runs over.

4. Update your social media profiles and email signatures

Update your own recruiting social media profiles so candidates can easily find information on careers with your company. In your email signature, include links to your careers page and your company’s career-focused social media sites. Take an inventory of your LinkedIn connections and remove irrelevant connections to better focus on potential candidates, industry thought leaders and past and current colleagues.

5. Eliminate multiple systems

Use an all-in-one recruitment marketing and operations solution like a Talent Relationship Management (TRM) system to cut down on multiple systems that do different things. A TRM integrates with multiple recruitment tools to access all candidate information in one central location, including mobile recruiting apps to recruit candidates from anywhere with data at your fingertips; scheduling software to set-up multiple interviews at once; and campus recruiting tools to access detailed metrics.

Do you need a way to better track your candidates?  Learn more about talent relationship management.