03/28/2016  //  By deanna kane  //  Candidate Experience //  Talent Acquisition
[socialwrap][socialicon name=”linkedin”][socialicon name=”twitter”][/socialwrap]The recruitment game is changing every day. With a growing importance on hiring speed, recruiters have increased pressure to escalate candidates through the process quicker than ever, and must integrate more ways to source and interact with talent. With conversations happening with a wide pool of candidates across different mediums, how do you track it all in order to maintain good relationships with your talent community? A Talent Relationship Management (TRM) system can help. Below are the top four ways your talent acquisition team will benefit from a TRM system.

To create better relationships with your talent community

Implementing a TRM system allows your talent acquisition team to better manage candidate relationships to ensure they don’t fall through the cracks, and provides an overview of all candidate communication, from prospect to hire. A TRM also allows every team member to search millions of candidates’ data in less than a second, and view a particular candidate’s profile and history with your company. This in-depth overview can help you better connect with prospects, by inviting them to join your company’s talent network, share jobs on social networks, encourage passive candidates to comment on a particular job or company and send them relevant content that might pique their interest.  

To save time and make life easier on your recruiters

Recruitment is a game of speed and in an increasingly technology-focused world, your recruiting team can’t afford to be bogged down by multiple, clunky systems. A TRM combines the functionality of multiple systems to allow your team to visit a single place to view the complete lifecycle of each prospect from hello to hire. Rather than wasting hours combing through resumes, a TRM can save you valuable time, allowing you to search through millions of resumes and candidates in milliseconds, to create customized talent communities and to configure folders, tags and fields.

Help your company seamlessly integrate recruiting technology

With a TRM, your company can adopt more innovative technology and less systems, at a quicker pace. Integrate a TRM with your existing ATS to access all candidate data in one central location, to create more accurate and comprehensive reports and make fewer data errors, leading to a more streamlined recruiting process.

Provides valuable ROI insight

Use a TRM to leverage data-driven performance metrics to measure campus and diversity conferences that result in the highest ROI. TRM tracks the number of hires and overall expenses per recruitment marketing effort, like career fairs, so you can present solid evidence to justify costs. This will let you best allocate your time and marketing dollars to the events that offer the biggest return.

Having trouble managing your candidates? Read 5 Challenges Recruiters Face.

Author: Adam Rosenfield, a writer with a background in human resources and talent acquisition in the construction, medical, blogging and start-up industries.