The 6 Biggest Recruitment Problems Solved
Problem #1: You don’t know what recruitment marketing efforts are resulting in the highest ROI…or any ROI.
Solution: Leverage data-driven performance metrics to measure campus and diversity conferences that result in the highest ROI. Recruitment marketing software tracks the number of hires and overall expenses per recruitment marketing effort, like career fairs, so you can present solid evidence to justify costs. This will let you best allocate your time and marketing dollars to the events that offer the biggest return.
Problem #2: Chasing down hiring managers for candidate feedback post-interview.
Solution: Gathering interviewer feedback can be a time intensive, inefficient process. Delayed interviewer feedback can even result in losing top talent to a competing job offer; adding time and money to the hiring process. Collect interviewer feedback through mobile or web evaluation forms in near real-time. If you are a campus recruiter, maximize your career fair productivity and send a complete event report to hiring managers, even during your event.
Problem #3: Candidates are accepting other offers…in the middle of interviewing with your company
Solution: Communicate early and often with candidates. Lessen the risk of losing top talent to faster moving companies by ensuring a timely and collaborative candidate communication strategy in place. Set applicant response time goals, such as 24-hours for new applications, in order to hold each team member responsible. Incorporate more touch points into the candidate interview lifecycle by automatically sending candidates and interviewers reminders before scheduled interviews.
Problem #4: Scheduling interviews that accommodate everyone is the bane of your existence
Solution: Coordinating both candidates’ and the interview team’s busy, always changing schedules is a universal pain point for recruiters. Scheduling software can significantly streamline complications, and eliminate pressures associated with limited meeting availability by putting some of the responsibility back on the interviewee. Invest in software to schedule interviews on-the-spot at events. Provide candidates with a self-service platform to allow them to self-select interview slots that work best with their schedules, and reschedule interviews without disrupting your staff.
Problem #5: Your frequent flying leadership team and sales team are never in the office long enough to conduct face-to-face interviews
Solution: Create an “always-on” interviewing culture. Eliminate the need for the physical boundaries of an on-site interview and allow face-to-face interviews to be scheduled at any time or location, with video interview software.
Problem #6: Your schedule is filled with hiring conferences, but you can barely find time to actually review the resumes you receive at the events.
Solution: Use mobile recruiting apps to capture candidate information and resumes at career fairs, diversity conferences or classroom presentations. You can eliminate reviewing paper resumes, and evaluate candidate information at any point on a phone or tablet without logging long hours in front of a computer or sifting through piles of paper. Convert your tablet, mobile or Windows device into an extension of your stationary work space with the use of mobile apps, such as Yello’s Collect and Convenience apps.