By Daria Friedman, Principal Analyst, Talent Acquisition, Brandon Hall Group
Candidate interviewing can pose many challenges. Developing interview strategies, scheduling interviews, managing candidate expectations, consistently and fairly evaluating each candidate, and making the right hiring decisions are all critical factors.
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For candidates, it’s more personal. They’re investing substantial time preparing for the interview, asking and answering questions, and navigating the interview process. If they walk away feeling they’ve been treated unfairly, they could post their displeasure on social media and damage the organization’s employer and corporate brands.

Organizations can take steps to improve the interview process, making it more candidate-friendly and scalable to improve the level of quality hires. According to Brandon Hall Group’s Hiring Practices Internal Mobility Survey, almost all organizations (90%) consider interviewing to be important or critical to their organization’s success, but only a small percentage of organizations (18%) have fully automated their interview process.

By automating the interview process, organizations can schedule, screen, interview, assess and evaluate candidates in an efficient, effective, consistent and fair manner. Even relatively small changes can make a big difference. For example, by automating scheduling, organizations can achieve scalability by increasing the number of candidates interviewed and filling a greater number of jobs with quality talent.

Attend this webinar to discover how to improve your organization’s interview process. Kelly Powers, Senior Product Marketing Manager at Yello and Angie Verros, Founder of Vaia Talent will join me to discuss: Jeopardizing the Offer: The Dangers of Your Candidate Interview Experience.

About the Author

Daria Friedman is the Principal Analyst for the Talent Acquisition and Engagement practices at Brandon Hall Group. As an analyst, Daria analyzes trends in the market, advises clients on how to improve their practices/programs, conducts solution provider briefings, leads webinars and workshops, and has authored numerous blogs and research studies.